Sunday, December 5, 2010

All Because Two People Fell In Love

In 7 months or so I will be a mom.

In 7 months, give or take a few days or weeks I will be a mom.

Around July 9th, 2011 I will be a mom.


If you didn't get the point, Zac and I are expecting our first child July 9th. We are so excited, scared, overwhelmed (the trip to Babies 'R Us helped w/ that), anxious, and blessed.

On the weekend of October 24, we took a pregnancy test and it came out with that nice easy to read "-" sign. Well, I guess my ladies were getting bigger because I was getting fat, not pregnant. Not quite sure why I bought another test (or two) but on the morning of the 27th I decided to take the test again. This time it came out all day of coaching and teaching I couldn't wait to go home and double check. Well three tests later it was still positive so I went on a frenzy trying to figure out a cool way to inform Zac that he knocked me up.

When he got home late and tired from football practice I didn't let him walk three steps in the door w/out yelling at him to come help me sort out the laundry. If you know Zac, you know that he has a very practiced routine of dropping his stuff (which drives me crazy) and getting on his computer to wind down...for about 45 minutes. So you can imagine his delight of having to do laundry when he walks in the door at 7:30pm.

He walks into the bedroom and starts sorting out the clothes with me while talking about our day. (I had rushed the laundry so it would be done when he got home but it was still a little bit damp so you could tell he was wondering why I was in such a hurry to do laundry.) One of the last things to hang up was this super small baby hoodie...Zac picks it up, analyzes it, inspects it, then his eyes get wide and he looks at me, "Really?" After I nodded yes, for the just the 3rd time I've known him, his eyes fill w/ tears, and he now knows that his swimmers are resemble Michael Phelps.

So now we are 9 weeks along and just watching the changes that my body and mood is going through. I can not wait to try and be half the mom that my Mum is to me. We'll keep you posted for the next 7 months!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Catching up...

I feel like I could write pages and pages of what has been going on the past 3-4 months. However it would probably take me half that time to do so. Therefore here is a quick glimpse of what my life has been like.

Oh how fast the days go by. It seems like yesterday when I walked away from coaching at Texas Lutheran University to coach and teach at a small town in the hill country. Coming from a family of teachers I knew that teaching was anything but easy but I was prepared for getting there around 7:30 every morning and leaving right after practice to home in time to fix my loving husband dinner and then take my dogs for a walk and perhaps clean my house. (Please hold the laughter out of respect for me.) Instead I get up around 4am to get a quick run in before I get to the school at 6:15ish for morning practice and hopefully get home between 6 and 8pm after having vball or bball practice and possibly catching up on special education paperwork. In my next life I'm teaching kindergarten and not coaching. Anyways the past few months have been a whirlwind of tears, laughter, yelling, and a few thrown clipboards.

I have coached and taught next to a great person who has taught me what loyalty and caring is all about. Keri is the type of person that will never do anything half way. She will put forth 110% at whatever is put in front of her. Its actually quite draining to watch how hard she works. We had met three years ago when we both had moved to San Antonio (following our husbands of course) and I became her assistant coach for a club vball team, and since then we have kept in touch and now became close friends. Its pretty scary to see how alike we are...I'm sure the students love that too! I had the honor of being beside her as she coached the varsity vball team to the 3rd round in playoffs, broke the school win record, and all as the 4th head coach in four years! Oh and along w/ that she has turned around the special education department at the high school. Like I said I'm tired just writing a very brief paragraph about her.

Now its basketball season and I'm realizing that my temper didnt go has just been in hibernation for a few years. Its great to coach a game that has always had a very big chunk of my heart. Now if only I could teach a few of the girls the difference between offense and defense. Then maybe I could move on to what traveling is. (I'm not kidding about the last two sentences.) In just four games I have been told by the refs to calm down. Well if you know me, you know that they might have a problem on their hands! But bball has just started to theres plenty of time for me to learn to relax and take it easy on the refs. You can start praying for me now.

As for Zac, he helped coach his football team to the first round of playoffs and a winning season. I believe that this was just the 3rd year that they had made the playoffs in school history. He seems to be liking it so far but I know he still yearns for the caliber of athletes that college has to offer.

It has been a surprise for both of us teaching special education. I'll just say that its amazing what they do not tell you during your masters program. We both come home scratching our heads and wondering just how some of these kids have reached this level of high school. Not to say that students w/ disabilities cant achieve what "typical" students can...its just mind blowing that some programs just pass them on just to get the students out of their hair. Its a huge mess and we need to change it but thats another blog another time.

So in closing I'm saying thanks to all the teachers and coaches out there. I do not think that you are given enough credit for what you do. I can not find the words to honor you the way you deserve.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Home...on the range...

Over the 4th of July I got to share my wonderful home w/ Zac's younger half-brother Sam. It was quite an education for Sam as well as for me.

I have always been very proud of where and how I grew up. I might be biased thinking that everybody needs to take a few months and live in the country...either on a ranch, farm, or out in the middle of nowhere where you cant just run into town for whatever you want. However, like I was saying, I think it might have been more of an education for me than for Sam.

We told him that there was not going to be any cell phone service and the internet, if we actually had it, was going to be pretty slow. Also there was no staying up all night playing video games or watching TV since everyone got up at a decent time to work. Well we let took pity on the kid and actually let him sleep in until 8 or 8:30 every day and even let him play video games during the breaks. I know, I know, how cruel can we be?

Oh and we took him to a skatepark so he would trust us and think we are cool before we really let him have it. As the week went on I learned just how naive he was. I kept asking myself if it was because he was from the city or just didnt listen because like most kids these days, they have ipods on and instead of looking at the world they are texting. Here are a few things I learned over the week...
1. Hauling wood causes pimples.
2. Work causes pimples.
3. Rent is only $150-200 a month where he comes from.
4. Making $15,000 a year will put him on the same level of some rich people.
5. Only football players have to meet a certain grade point average in order to play.
6. In college only athletes get scholarships.
7. Speaking of college...athletes get by w/ doing nothing and having bad grades.
8. You can still play sports in HS even if you go to Juvie.
9. Taking 2 showers a day (one at night before bed and another in the morning when you wake up) is NOT a waste of water.
10. Wearing a cap messes up guy's hair.
11. Wearing a cap does not protect you from the sun.
12. Having a bull calf testicles thrown on your leg will induce girly screaming.
13. Using Shampoo for "curly" hair will actually make your hair curly.
14. Dallas is in fact located in the center of Texas.
15. Arizona borders Texas.
16. It only take a couple of hours to drive 500 miles.
17. Lubbock...well its somewhere in Texas.
18. Instead of taking care of our cattle...why dont we just go to Costco.
19. Corn is not apart of almost every food.
20. Water is limitless.
21. Why dont we get our water from the tanks like they have in the city? Its limitless...its automatically fills up when low.

Here are few things Sam had to do this week of hell: Took down fence. Added more t-posts to another fence. Put up cedar posts to the panel fence. Picked up wood around the field. Fed and moved cattle. Branded and castrated 30 plus calves. Poor kid...he had to get up around 8:30 and work until 6 or 7pm. Not to worry though, we did feed him three meals and gave him about 2-3 hour lunch break. He commented one time that it was ironic that we had all this work to do on the week he visited. He just didnt understand that it was like that on a ranch EVERY DAY! It blew his mind that the last time my parents took what people define as a vacation was back in 2003 when we went to Cancun for...wait for it...FOUR days (two of which were traveling to and from).

I had thought that maybe, just maybe he actually appreciated this other life style. But once we got back to Texas and he went home to the city, I read his facebook and found that "New Mexico f!@#$%^&* sucked, especially on a ranch." "Working since 10am is so tiring (that must have been the day it rained)." And that "We (my family) were redneck-ish, dumb, and narrow minded." Now can I really get upset that a 14 year old kid said those things? Yes I can, but I shouldn't because he was yelled at by everyone for everything. There are so many "things" that need special attention on a ranch or farm and safety is always an issue so I'm sure Sam got his full of us harping on him and needed to vent.

Now for the big shocker...even bigger than finding out that carrying wood causes pimples...he actually wants to come back. Or at least thats what hes telling his parents. I will let you know if my dumb redneck family allows this city kid back to the ranch. Maybe next year he'll understand more and staying out on a ranch in the middle of nowhere will actually be cool.

He has no idea that we are about to go "old school" on castrating...

Now he does...

Not sure if you can see it but my cousin threw a Rocky Mountain Oyster on Sams leg...this is where you hear a 14 yr old boy screaming like a 4 yr old girl.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We headed to Plano last Thursday for one of our friends wedding. Of course when we are in Plano it usually means late nights, friends, laughter, and hangovers! This time though I had the chance to babysit Emerson Grace, the daughter of one of our friends. I love this lil one probably because our bdays are only one day apart and just 'cause I happen to love her parents!

This was my first time to change a diaper and spend an entire day with a child under three. I'm not like most girls who adore and always want to hold, play, etc... with kids. Now dont think I do not like kids (can you imagine how my teaching/coaching profession would work out if I didn't like those turd nuggets???), I just like letting kids get to know me on their own time.

I have to say though...Emmi got to know me and I fell in love with her!

I told Emmi the morning we babysat her, "You are going to make or break me today."

"When are you having kids?" Zac and I get this question alot, pretty much since we were engaged. Actually some people asked my mom if I was pregnant since I was getting married. Thanks for the faith people! Well since Zac thinks that his lil clock is ticking we have been talking about it more and more. BUT since we are both coaches and planned our wedding around football I'm 99% sure we will have to plan having kids around vball, bball, and fball! I bet those of you who have kids are laughing because you can never plan kids but you know how I am w/ a challenge!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

We are FINALLY done moving in to our new place...still renting but we are out in the country, well sorta but at least on my run I get to see horses and land instead of streets and traffic!

It has been such a whirlwind of moving, going home, and setting up our summer schedule that today is just me sitting my butt on the couch enjoying our new house.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moving Day!

This is our old house...and this time next week Zac and I should be completely moved into our new house. Yesterday we moved the majority of our stuff to the new house but since I still have a gym membership and Zac is hosting a bachelor party (prayers may start now) we are living in a "collegized" house. We have our bed on the floor, sitting in camping chairs, eating off our laps, and listening to our voices echo off the empty walls.

We have really enjoyed living in our first house. Even if our wonderful, awesome, caring rental company took four months to fix our oven, one month to fix our fridge, and want us to live the house better than it was when we moved in! I think I'll take the high road and not tell you who our rental company was, just in case they had a bad day every time we dealt with them. But Coldwell Banker just needs to take a deep breath and be happy that we handed over the majority of our paychecks to them every month!

I hope we stay in this new house for a while...just cause we have moved EVERY year we have been together. First to Mississippi, then to Dallas, on to San Antonio, one more time across town in San Antonio, and now to Boerne. Which for those of you who need a lesson in Central Texas Spanish, German, and English, Boerne is pronounced Burn-e.

I'll post pics once we have power and we might just invite y'all to come hang out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 goes on. Hopefully w/ someone you love.

Well to catch whoever's reading this up I'll give a quick bullet form of the past couple of years that I've been w/ Zac.
-April 2, 2005: The love of my life and I begin dating! For those of you wondering, its Zac.
-March 19, 2006: Zac proposes...great story for another blog later.
-June 2006: Move to Cleveland, MS to live w/ my fiance and finish up my senior year of college.
- June 16, 2007: Zac and I got hitched!
- July 11: Moved to Dallas where I began work as a personal trainer & Zac coached football at SMU
-July 11 2008: Move to San Antonio where I start my masters in special edu. & Zac coaches at Trinity University.
-Aug. 2009: Get a flippin' awesome job as an asst. vball coach at Texas Lutheran University!!! I have found my passion! Maybe someone should do a study on why yelling at girls is my passion...
-Dec. 2009: Graduate w/ my Masters!!!
-March 2010: Offered high school coaching/teaching job in Comfort, Tx...GO DEER!
-March 2010: Zac offered HS coaching/teaching job in San Antonio...GO MUSTANGS!
-Today: Find out that since Zac isn't teaching a high needs area (why on earth is history not a high need area???) this job might fall through. So now it is on to looking again for my husband...the hell we've been through w/ job searching since Jan will take up another blog another time. I know you absolutely can't wait.

The reason I started my bullet form past events blog w/ when Zac and I started dating is that without him I would not have seen parts of this wonderful country or learned so much about myself. I have learned that even though I love where I'm from and that I will always be a country girl from Glencoe, NM, home is where you want to be. I want to be w/ Zac. Wherever that may be. Hopefully not on the east coast. I have moved every year I have been w/ him. Every year around January I begin looking at job postings and calling U-Haul to make sure they have my favorite trailer and truck waiting for me. Life with a football coach can be miserable. Just as I'm sure life w/ me can be miserable. Who am I kidding, life with me is nothing but pure greatness, 24-7! So regardless if this job at Jay High School works out, I will be willing to move to Timbuktu just to be w/ my husband.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sparkle and Spurs

Check out my Mom's amazing jewelry...Sparkle and Spurs


I never thought I'd be one to blog. I've started many diaries, journals, etc... but after a few days, heck one time I made it a week, I've forgotten about them or got lazy or life happened. This one may get a few posts on a regular basis and then you might not hear from me again, which might not be a bad idea! However I started thinking that I wish I knew more about my family. Our history. So maybe if I post a few things about my life or what I remember my future children won't have the same regret. This actually may help me out on some fights w/ my know when men totally forget that they said something or I can just log in to my nifty lil blog and wha-la...evidence!