Sunday, May 30, 2010

We are FINALLY done moving in to our new place...still renting but we are out in the country, well sorta but at least on my run I get to see horses and land instead of streets and traffic!

It has been such a whirlwind of moving, going home, and setting up our summer schedule that today is just me sitting my butt on the couch enjoying our new house.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moving Day!

This is our old house...and this time next week Zac and I should be completely moved into our new house. Yesterday we moved the majority of our stuff to the new house but since I still have a gym membership and Zac is hosting a bachelor party (prayers may start now) we are living in a "collegized" house. We have our bed on the floor, sitting in camping chairs, eating off our laps, and listening to our voices echo off the empty walls.

We have really enjoyed living in our first house. Even if our wonderful, awesome, caring rental company took four months to fix our oven, one month to fix our fridge, and want us to live the house better than it was when we moved in! I think I'll take the high road and not tell you who our rental company was, just in case they had a bad day every time we dealt with them. But Coldwell Banker just needs to take a deep breath and be happy that we handed over the majority of our paychecks to them every month!

I hope we stay in this new house for a while...just cause we have moved EVERY year we have been together. First to Mississippi, then to Dallas, on to San Antonio, one more time across town in San Antonio, and now to Boerne. Which for those of you who need a lesson in Central Texas Spanish, German, and English, Boerne is pronounced Burn-e.

I'll post pics once we have power and we might just invite y'all to come hang out.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010 goes on. Hopefully w/ someone you love.

Well to catch whoever's reading this up I'll give a quick bullet form of the past couple of years that I've been w/ Zac.
-April 2, 2005: The love of my life and I begin dating! For those of you wondering, its Zac.
-March 19, 2006: Zac proposes...great story for another blog later.
-June 2006: Move to Cleveland, MS to live w/ my fiance and finish up my senior year of college.
- June 16, 2007: Zac and I got hitched!
- July 11: Moved to Dallas where I began work as a personal trainer & Zac coached football at SMU
-July 11 2008: Move to San Antonio where I start my masters in special edu. & Zac coaches at Trinity University.
-Aug. 2009: Get a flippin' awesome job as an asst. vball coach at Texas Lutheran University!!! I have found my passion! Maybe someone should do a study on why yelling at girls is my passion...
-Dec. 2009: Graduate w/ my Masters!!!
-March 2010: Offered high school coaching/teaching job in Comfort, Tx...GO DEER!
-March 2010: Zac offered HS coaching/teaching job in San Antonio...GO MUSTANGS!
-Today: Find out that since Zac isn't teaching a high needs area (why on earth is history not a high need area???) this job might fall through. So now it is on to looking again for my husband...the hell we've been through w/ job searching since Jan will take up another blog another time. I know you absolutely can't wait.

The reason I started my bullet form past events blog w/ when Zac and I started dating is that without him I would not have seen parts of this wonderful country or learned so much about myself. I have learned that even though I love where I'm from and that I will always be a country girl from Glencoe, NM, home is where you want to be. I want to be w/ Zac. Wherever that may be. Hopefully not on the east coast. I have moved every year I have been w/ him. Every year around January I begin looking at job postings and calling U-Haul to make sure they have my favorite trailer and truck waiting for me. Life with a football coach can be miserable. Just as I'm sure life w/ me can be miserable. Who am I kidding, life with me is nothing but pure greatness, 24-7! So regardless if this job at Jay High School works out, I will be willing to move to Timbuktu just to be w/ my husband.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sparkle and Spurs

Check out my Mom's amazing jewelry...Sparkle and Spurs


I never thought I'd be one to blog. I've started many diaries, journals, etc... but after a few days, heck one time I made it a week, I've forgotten about them or got lazy or life happened. This one may get a few posts on a regular basis and then you might not hear from me again, which might not be a bad idea! However I started thinking that I wish I knew more about my family. Our history. So maybe if I post a few things about my life or what I remember my future children won't have the same regret. This actually may help me out on some fights w/ my know when men totally forget that they said something or I can just log in to my nifty lil blog and wha-la...evidence!