This was my first time to change a diaper and spend an entire day with a child under three. I'm not like most girls who adore and always want to hold, play, etc... with kids. Now dont think I do not like kids (can you imagine how my teaching/coaching profession would work out if I didn't like those turd nuggets???), I just like letting kids get to know me on their own time.
I have to say though...Emmi got to know me and I fell in love with her!
I told Emmi the morning we babysat her, "You are going to make or break me today."
"When are you having kids?" Zac and I get this question alot, pretty much since we were engaged. Actually some people asked my mom if I was pregnant since I was getting married. Thanks for the faith people! Well since Zac thinks that his lil clock is ticking we have been talking about it more and more. BUT since we are both coaches and planned our wedding around football I'm 99% sure we will have to plan having kids around vball, bball, and fball! I bet those of you who have kids are laughing because you can never plan kids but you know how I am w/ a challenge!