Halfway there! 20 weeks down on Valentines weekend!
In about one month my belly has stretched around four inches! This pregnancy is so interesting. I can't believe how my body is changing but with every day I find myself getting more and more attached and falling in love w/ Tator!
I don't think I've felt any kicks or hiccups because I can't tell if its gas or Tator but I'm sure feeling the effects of not being able to fit through tight places! It hit me yesterday at the grocery store when I tried to push the cart w/ my stomach while on the cell phone (Don't judge- thats one of the only times I have time to talk to people, however I hang up when I'm checking out!) ...it just wasn't happening anymore! Or it happens on accident as I turn to grab something and my belly pushes the cart into the lady in front of me! Forget attempting to curl up on the couch with jeans on. There's no way in hell that I can put one leg underneath me or sit w/ my knees up in front on me!
Then sadly, at only 20 weeks along, I have trouble trying my shoes. Now granted this was at the end of the day at a basketball game after a nice healthy meal of salsa, rice and bean and cheese burritos. My girls even noticed, "Coach Tully, are you having trouble w/ your shoes?" My only response was a look that said, "If you mention anything like that again, you will be running your heart out." Then being the loving affectionate kids they are, they suggest what type of clothes or shoes I need to invest in. Thanks, I'm sure I'll just pack up advice from high schoolers.
Speaking of clothes...I think the halfway point might be the time when I have to give in and where the maternity clothes. I have held off until now but I think the kids and other teachers are tired of me wearing the same three dress pants every week. However I think there should be a rule or an amendment to the dress code that allows pregnant employees to wear jeans whenever, because those still fit!
20 weeks down and about 20 weeks to go. I simply can't wait to feel this Tot kick and see what the next 20 weeks has in store for me.