Saturday, March 12, 2011

News Flash!!!!

I'm at long last excited about having a baby or becoming a mom!

I know that doesn't sound very good coming from someone who is pretty much six months pregnant but I am finally getting to where every time Tator kicks I find myself smiling...even every trip to the bathroom or when I find that I can't fit through some tight spots like before!

Many of my friends are pregnant with me and they have been so fantastic about posting pictures, writing blogs, or putting sweet comments about their pregnancy. I feel that I'm missing something because I think I should be in that same boat and start to wonder if something is wrong with me. Then those feelings build into the thoughts of "am I really ready, was this a mistake, or am I going to be a good mom" because I'm not as excited as I think I should be.

Well all of that pretty much stopped once Tator begin kicking...well once I figured out that those movements were not "gas" or cramps but actually my baby practicing its kicking skills! Maybe Tator will be a rider or barrel racer w/ that kicking! The best part of the feeling the movement wasn't me feeling it, it was when Zac felt Tator kick. That was a private emotional moment for me when he put his hand on my belly and actually felt the kicks. I'm not sure if he knew that I got emotional but that is when those thoughts I described above went away.

Now I find myself rubbing my belly periodically throughout the day and sometimes I stop my self from paying attention to the TV show or what people are saying to me (sorry!) to spend what I call my quality belly time w/ my baby! The world just stops and Tator and I spend a few moments together. I know we are together since this little turd nugget is attached inside me but this is like a mind-meld! I still feel that I'm not up to par with some of my friends and their excitement but it's coming. Now if I could only stop this expansion of my ass and thighs!

I also wanted to give a big shout out to Laura and little Lainey Ray who entered this world March 12!!!